Category Archives: Uncategorized

Article Directories

If you like the idea of getting links and traffic from article directories then you will love what Scott Henson over at Free Article Spinner has put together for you.

First, you need to just head over to his Free Article Spinner and sign up for free account


After that just follow his 7 step article directory cheat sheet pdf. Using the cheat sheet you can literally copy and paste an existing article from any article directory. Rewrite it using his free tool in just a few seconds. Then add your own link and submit the new article back to article directory.


Good stuff.




Scott’s tool is absolutely free. It is one of the fastest ways I have found to take any article and rewrite it without hardly doing any work.


Google Made It OFFICIAL

If you have been just taking articles from somewhere like article directories and posting them on your site then you need to stop right now.

Google will now not only penalize you for doing that. They can also remove your entire site from Google’s index all together.

Good luck getting back into Google too.

I found a simple tool that will rewrite your articles into brand new ones in just a few seconds.


The best part is it is absolutely free.




One thing I really like about this Free Article Spinner is that it takes only a few seconds to have a brand new article that is 100% unique. It is just too risky putting duplicate content on your site. So do not do it. Sign up for the free tool here:


1 Weird Tip To Get Rid Of Cellulite [video]

1 Weird Tip To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Hey there,

I hope that you are doing well! Just wanted to tell you about this cool new video that I just watched from my new friend and respected colleague, Dr Charles.

In it, he reveals a very unusual tip to melt away cellulite in just 3 to 10 days. I watched it, thought it was brilliant, and figured you might find it very helpful too.

Click here to watch this quick little video.

I hope that this was short and sweet enough for ya. Have an amazing day!!


P.S. Once more, the video link for this weird tip is:

A huge demand for pictures, drawings and images online

A huge demand for pictures, drawings and images online

Hi there,

I’ll keep it short because I know you are busy.

If you’re still looking for a way to legitimately work online in
your spare time, then you need to check this out:

A Huge Demand For Pictures, Drawings And Images Online

Right now there is a huge demand for pictures, drawings and images online, and a shortage of people supplying them.

These pictures could be pictures of your pets, fruit, trees or anything you take with your camera. Companies will buy the rights to use your pictures online and are willing to pay you a lot to do it!

You don’t have to be a professional artist or photographer either. This is really worth checking out and we recommend getting involved with this early before more people find out about how much you can make doing it.

A Huge Demand For Pictures, Drawings And Images Online

Did you know that companies spend more than 100 MILLION dollars buying images online?

Did you know that companies spend more than 100 MILLION dollars buying images online?

Did you know that companies spend more than 100 MILLION dollars buying images online?

Every company that has a website, needs to use images and pictures on their website… and they must pay people to create them!

Do you know what they need? They need YOUR help. That’s right… and they are willing to pay money for it.


By selling your pictures, drawings or other images, you could build up a great business for yourself.

The best part is, you don’t even need to be that talented! The demand is so high, they will buy nearly ANYTHING.

This guy has put together a ton of information to help you get started making money doing this, and it is definitely worth checking out.


How I Sell My Photos

How I Sell My Photos

Hi there,

Almost everyone has heard of Vincent Van Gogh at one point in their life,
but not many people know how much some of his well known paintings are actually worth.

In 1990, the painting entitled “Portrait of Dr. Gachet” sold for $82,500,000. Amazing isn’t it?


You might wonder why I’m telling you this, but here is the reason:

Artwork, drawings and photographs tend to increase in value as time goes on.

When you join our service, we’ll teach you how to take simple pictures with your camera, and easily create drawings that you can sell. The best part is, once you create these, multiple people are going to be able to purchase the rights to use your work, which will continuously earn you money.

You might not be as talented as Vincent Van Gogh, but you don’t need to be. Heck, you don’t need to be talented at ALL if you follow our instructions, it is still possible to make money.


Are You Looking To Potentially EARN More Profits Every Week Simply By Watching And Copying A Live Professional Trader? With Binary Options Trading Signals, Trading Just Got Easy!

Are You Looking To Potentially EARN More Profits Every Week Simply By Watching And Copying A Live Professional Trader? With Binary Options Trading Signals, Trading Just Got Easy!

If you have already tried your hand at trading binary options, you may already know how difficult it is to consistently win trades and stay profitable.

Let me ask you a few questions…

• Are you tired of buying systems that simply don’t work or are too complicated or “custom fit” to certian markets?
• Are you sick of backtesting and wasting money and time trying every new “holy grail indicator” that comes out?
• Is your STRESS going through the roof as you wipe your account yet AGAIN?
• Do you wish there was some way to turn it all around and begin the road to earning consistent profits every week?

Listen, we we’re in your shoes just a few years back…

Stupid trading… made me want to go put my hand through a wall on one more than one occasion…

But instead of spending the rest of the day replacing drywall, we went to work…

Back into the trading laborary. Testing. Tweaking. Pulling out our hair. Too many stimulants. Not enough sleep.

Trading was beating us like a boxing match gone terribly wrong, and it just wouldn’t let up.

And then I talked to my partner late one night…

Like we always do, we were discussing what we were seeing in the markets, what was giving results and what was kicking our butts.

He said…I replied…

Then we both went “Holy Crap!”

So we combined what I was doing with what he was doing…
Then we traded and watched nervously from the edges of our keyboards for weeks…


It hit us right between the eyes, like a slug from a .44 magnum…

It was clean, it was beautiful and it was working day after day.

But could we replicate the results? Could we honestly make a living from this every week?

Yea, it replicated, we were like a crazy alien virus taking over the broker’s platform.

Sure, there were some mishaps along the way. Sometimes you’ve got that crazy unexpected trade that goes against you 100 pips like a bottle rocket in the opposite direction. But often times that happens no matter what you do…

So we pressed on, because we know this would be profitable overall now.

We learned what trades could and couldn’t take the HEAT. How to push it, where to push it and when to push it.

And life was good. Trades started winning and winning and winning and we were consistently making good money.

It was like a dream come true.

However, as we continued, we had a new problem…well sort of…

We felt the need to help others try and achieve the success we had in order to give them the chance to try and earn profits as well.

So, in the natural progression of our endevaors, we decided to take it public. It’s really a win / win solution for everyone! We share our professional trading skills with you live every trading day and you throw us a few bucks.

Did You Try This Out On A Real Woman Yet?

Hi there,

The other day, I sent you this extremely controversial video
created by my friend Josh Pellicer:

A Goldfish, Pre-selection and Getting Women <– CLICK HERE

And since that least email, my inbox has literally been
flooded with responses asking questions like…


My answer is always, “YES.”

As shocking at it may seem, the simple techniques that Josh
reveals in the Goldfish video work, literally every time.

I myself was skeptical, but that was before I actually met
Josh and saw him in action.

The guy is the real deal – both as a seducer and teacher –
and what he teaches gets results with women fast than just
about anything else I’ve seen.

In fact, it works especially well on hotter women (8’s, 9’s
and 10’s) — and even better if you’re the kind of guy who’s
failed with other methods in the past.

Watch it now before Josh takes it down:

A Goldfish, Pre-selection and Getting Women <– CLICK HERE.

My favorite part is when Josh reveals a 20-word sentence
(simpler than it sounds)… which you can use casually in
almost any conversation — that literally doubles or triples
the odds that she’ll chase you and want to get physical.

Check it out now, I think he’ll only be leaving it up for
another 24 hours or so.

And I’d hate for you to miss out on info this good.


P.S. – The video is packed with killer material. You’ll find
out exactly if or when you should go in for the kiss… how
your body language could instantly put you into the “friend
zone” (and what to do about it)… and so much more. Don’t
miss this chance to see what all the fuss is about. Watch it

I Owe You An Apology

Hey there,

I wrote you yesterday telling you about a crazy
video from Attraction and Seduction expert

Josh Pellicer that absolutely SHOCKED me…

It’s not that what I saw was bad… actually far from it!

It was EXCELLENT and I learned something that
helped me score a date with a girl that would’ve
rejected me immediately before I learned this
super stealth, and VERY powerful technique

Shocking Video <=== Click NOW Before It’s Gone

In this presentation from my friend Josh,
not only will you see once and for all who has
been spending millions of dollars to make sure
you FAIL with women…

But you’ll discover insane techniques that will forever
alter your success with HOT women.

AND it’ll give you some techniques that will make it feel
like you’ve got a secret weapon in your back pocket that
makes women instantly want you get you in bed…

For example:

• 3 stealthy, ninja sexual triggers to turn women on
without them having any idea why…

• One major LIE that you’ve been told which has been
secretly sabotaging your chances with hot women…

Super Ninja Technique: 8 minutes in, a weird (but proven)
method is revealed to driving HOT women absolutely wild with
sexual anticipation.

Including a guaranteed way to make a girl (that’s ANY girl, btw…
no matter how hot or how long you’ve already known her…) be
completely obsessed with thinking about kissing you.

It actually has to do with a weird Eye Reading trick developed by the FBI about 50 years ago…
Show this to your buddies, and they will be a GOD forever.

Insane Ninja Female Attraction Techniques (that ACTUALLY work)

Or guard it as your secret and never tell a soul…

Either way, you’re about to become a “hacker” of female brains.

Plus, you can give the finger to those @$#holes who wanted to
HIDE this information from you.



PS Those sneaky mofos aren’t happy that I’m sharing this with you.
But I really think everyone needs it:

WTF?! <=== This Secret Technique Is A “Game Changer”

Why I Am Absolutely FURIOUS

Hey guys,

You and I have been had.

We’ve been tricked.

And when you find out WHO has been pulling
the wool over your eyes for YEARS, well…

You might not be that surprised.

But when you find out WHY…you’ll probably
be as pissed off as I am.

If you want to know now, check out this shocking
new video that Attraction and Seduction expert
Josh Pellicer just released.

[Freee Video] How They’ve Had Us Fooled For Years…

Listen, I think you should watch this and get the
REAL scoop on how to meet and attract the women that
you actually DESIRE…

The closed group of gorgeous, sexy women that you can’t
get to know unless you know the secrets exposed in this video…

And today, if you’re already hooking up with these kinds of girls,
then you probably already know about what’s in this presentation…

But if not – you’ll be forced to settle for hooking up with, dating,
and even MARRYING average to below average women…

Think of it this way: If you’re not with a 9 or a 10 RIGHT NOW,
you’ve simply been INTENTIONALLY misled into thinking
that it wasn’t an easy option…

You’ve absolutely got to watch this ground-breaking presentation:


Within the first few minutes I know you’ll be thinking “WTF?!?!”

I know I did.

One seemingly simple trick revealed in this presentation
worked like GANGBUSTERS for one of my buddies, who had NEVER
tried any of Josh’s controversial yet POWERFUL techniques before.

Catch it now, I’ve heard a LOT of rumors that it’s about to be
torn down off the web, because it went a little *too* viral…

Watch this (Controversial!) <— Before It’s Completely Shut Down

And if you give a crap about your friends who you think might be
in the same situation, you’ll forward this on to as many people
as you can.

Women seemed to be so hard to figure out until I
watched this video…

Your “brother in arms”,


PS When I told this to my buddies we absolutely HAD to go out
immediately and see if it was the truth…

I’ll talk more about that tomorrow, for now I’ve gotta run and
meet up with a chick I met last night 🙂

PPS If you get to this video later and it’s already taken down,
don’t say I didn’t warn you!

[NSFW Video] Disappears SOON (Watch It While You Can) <===CLICK HERE